Zeppelin Post
1931 Lausanne Flight
On 27 August 1931, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) made a round-trip flight from Friedrichshafen to Lausanne, Switzerland, and back.
Mail carried on board bears either a Friedrichshafen or on-board cancel.

On-board Cancel
Mail dropped at Lausanne bears a Lausanne arrival cancel.

Lausanne Arrival Cancel
Set Date(s)
27 August 1931
Album Page(s)
1931 Lausanne Flight
On 27 August 1931, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) made a round-trip flight from Friedrichshafen to Lausanne, Switzerland, and back.
Mail carried on board bears either a Friedrichshafen or on-board cancel.

On-board Cancel
Mail dropped at Lausanne bears a Lausanne arrival cancel.

Lausanne Arrival Cancel