Bremen – New York (20 August 1929)

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen Cachet
Mail carried on board also bears the “Mit Katapultflug” cachet required on all catapult airmail from mid-August 1929 through 1930.

Cachet required on all catapult mail
This voyage of the Bremen was the first in which mail was delivered from Köln to Cherbourg via a supplementary flight, then loaded onto the Bremen.

Supplementary Flight Cachet
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Bremen – New York (20 August 1929)

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen Cachet
Mail carried on board also bears the “Mit Katapultflug” cachet required on all catapult airmail from mid-August 1929 through 1930.

Cachet required on all catapult mail
This voyage of the Bremen was the first in which mail was delivered from Köln to Cherbourg via a supplementary flight, then loaded onto the Bremen.

Supplementary Flight Cachet