Die Sonne sank im Westen
This set of postcards is entitled Die Sonne sank im Westen (The Sun Sets in the West). They were printed by Regel & Krug, and bear the publisher’s set number 2277. They feature a soldier comforting a wounded comrade during World War I.
This set was used by a soldier of the Rekruten-Depot, 2. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß, (Recruit Depot, 2nd Guard Regiment of Foot) in January 1915.

Set Date(s)
Die Sonne sank im Westen
This set of postcards is entitled Die Sonne sank im Westen (The Sun Sets in the West). They were printed by Regel & Krug, and bear the publisher’s set number 2277. They feature a soldier comforting a wounded comrade during World War I.
This set was used by a soldier of the Rekruten-Depot, 2. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß, (Recruit Depot, 2nd Guard Regiment of Foot) in January 1915.