2nd Tsingtau Provisionals
On 19 July 1900, Kiautschou issued a second set of provisional postage stamps, again overprints of 10-Pfennig values from the German Post Offices in China. The stamps are overprinted with a new denomination (5 Pf.).
The stamps were overprinted at the Missiondruckerei Tsingtau (Tsingtau Missionary Printers), and due to a lack of typesetting pieces, at least 17 type styles are known to exist. From each half-sheet of 50, three types are most common — Type 1 (x14), Type 2 (x16), & Type 3 (x7).

Due to limitations in the printing capabilities, the sheets of 50 had to be run through the printing press twice. On the fifth and tenth rows of the sheet, the ‘5 Pf.’ overprint overlapped the ‘China’ overprint to a degree that it was largely illegible. A handstamped ‘5’ was therefore added to these issues (MiNr. 3) to clarify the face value. The ‘5’ handstamp was subsequently determined to be insufficient, and it was replaced by a ‘5 Pf.’ handstamp (MiNr. 4).
Due to an incorrect typesetting, copies exist with a ‘5 fP.’ overprint instead of ‘5 Pf.’.
Double ‘5 Pf.’ overprints (MiNr. 2 DD) and double ‘5’ (MiNr. 3 DD) and ‘5 Pf.’ handstamps (MiNr. 4 DD 2) exist.
Additional combinations exist of double overpints and handstamps on the ‘5 fP.’ overprint variety.
Because MiNr. 3 and MiNr. 4 are from the last row of the printed sheet, vertical pairs exist with MiNr. 2 over MiNr. 3, 3 DD, and 4.
2nd Tsingtau Provisionals
On 19 July 1900, Kiautschou issued a second set of provisional postage stamps, again overprints of 10-Pfennig values from the German Post Offices in China. The stamps are overprinted with a new denomination (5 Pf.).
The stamps were overprinted at the Missiondruckerei Tsingtau (Tsingtau Missionary Printers), and due to a lack of typesetting pieces, at least 17 type styles are known to exist. From each half-sheet of 50, three types are most common — Type 1 (x14), Type 2 (x16), & Type 3 (x7).

Due to limitations in the printing capabilities, the sheets of 50 had to be run through the printing press twice. On the fifth and tenth rows of the sheet, the ‘5 Pf.’ overprint overlapped the ‘China’ overprint to a degree that it was largely illegible. A handstamped ‘5’ was therefore added to these issues (MiNr. 3) to clarify the face value. The ‘5’ handstamp was subsequently determined to be insufficient, and it was replaced by a ‘5 Pf.’ handstamp (MiNr. 4).
Due to an incorrect typesetting, copies exist with a ‘5 fP.’ overprint instead of ‘5 Pf.’.
Double ‘5 Pf.’ overprints and double ‘5’ and ‘5 Pf.’ handstamps exist.
Additional combinations exist of double overpints and handstamps on the ‘5 fP.’ overprint variety.
Because MiNr. 3 and MiNr. 4 are from the last row of the printed sheet, vertical pairs exist with MiNr. 2 over MiNr. 3, 4, and varities.