The Collection

The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945


Petschili Issues – Yachts

During the Boxer Rebellion, Germany ran short of postage at its offices in China. As a result, unoverprinted German stamps and stamps from Kiautschou were used at Feldpost and civilian post offices throughout the territory. The unoverprinted German and Kiautschou stamps used at these offices can be distinguished only by their cancels, and are referred to as “Petschili” issues.

The Petschili issues are generally catalogued in three groups — Krone/Adler Issues, Germania Issues, and Kiautschou Yacht Issues.

The Kiautschou Yacht Issues were primarily used at the Peking and K.D. Feldpost Station No. 2 post offices, though other lesser-used cancels exist from other stations.

Yacht Issues dates of use are April 1901 to 1902.

Set Date(s)

April 1901 / 1902



Album Page(s)


Petschili Issues – Yachts

During the Boxer Rebellion, Germany ran short of postage at its offices in China. As a result, unoverprinted German stamps and stamps from Kiautschou were used at Feldpost and civilian post offices throughout the territory. The unoverprinted German and Kiautschou stamps used at these offices can be distinguished only by their cancels, and are referred to as “Petschili” issues.

The Petschili issues are generally catalogued in three groups — Krone/Adler Issues, Germania Issues, and Kiautschou Yacht Issues.

The Kiautschou Yacht Issues were primarily used at the Peking and K.D. Feldpost Station No. 2 post offices, though other lesser-used cancels exist from other stations.

Yacht Issues dates of use are April 1901 to 1902.

Set Date(s)

April 1901 / 1902



Album Page(s)
